Venue Video: Northern Hills Golf Course

January 27, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Alamo City Golf Trail VenuesA tour of Northern Hills Golf Course and Brackenridge Golf Course event facilities.

You're engaged, you've set a date, but before you do any cake tasting or dress shopping, you've got to find that perfect place to have your wedding.  During the month of January and February there are so many venue Open Houses.  We hope to see you out at a few of them this year.  For a full listing check out this schedule at San Antonio Weddings Magazine:

San Antonio Weddings Bridal Open Houses

You can set up a tour anytime at Northern Hills Golf Course and the Borglum Studio by Alamo City Golf Trail.  Check out the video for a sneak peak at these two all inclusive event facilities, produced by Aria Productions.  


Also, don't miss these two Open Houses!

Granberry Hills

6390 Granberry San Antonio, TX 78239

January 31st from 4 - 7 PM

RSVP at or by calling 210-590-8067


Grand Promenade Engagement Party and Open House

Friday February 5th from 5 - 8 PM

The Grand Promenade

113 Alamo Plaza San Antonio TX 78205

RSVP to Jessica Cortese at 210-212-3957

or click here



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