Gratitude: I love my clients

April 17, 2014  •  1 Comment



As I drove home today, I said a prayer of thanks to God for putting me in this place, in this moment, and with these people that I work with every day. The truth is that I believe God had a plan for me all along, and he took his time to prepare me for this moment.  I now have the knowledge and skill to complete this work, the talent to offer my clients high quality products, and the appreciation for these life moments to be able to deliver timeless images my clients will cherish for generations to come. 

I am so honored that a family would choose me to capture the moment a man gets down on his knee, their first dance as husband and wife, the beauty of the mother's body as she expects her first child, the birth and first images of little fingers and toes, first birthdays, milestones and graduations.  I'm so grateful to be there for all those special times of joy and love.  I know that God brought me through all of these things so I could help others experience these moments and remember the times of love and laughter.

I am forever grateful to my clients for opening up their lives and trusting me to be their family photographer.  As I come home to my own family it helps me appreciate what I have even more.

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Ginger Dorsey(non-registered)
We appreciate you! You do an amazing job and really love what you do! Love your passion!
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